Book Review: The Madman’s Daughter🔬 by Megan Shepherd

Hey, everyone! Only one more day until Friday😅! So I finished The Madman’s Daughter faster than I thought😜 TMD is a page-turner, that’s for sure. Ms. Shepherd did an amazing job in telling a horrifically intriguing, thought-provoking story! And would you look at that cover?! 😍😍😍 Talk about gorgeous.

The Madman's Daughter


Juliet Moreau, 16, has worked hard as a maid to make a life for herself after the scandal that ruined her life. Although no one proved the rumors about her father’s grim experiments, the accusations were enough to permanently damage her reputation and cause her to lose her status in society. When Juliet learns that her father is alive, she jumps at the chance to discover whether or not the horrifying accusations are true. She travels to a remote island with her father’s assistant, Montgomery, and a mysterious castaway, Edward, and discovers the truth about her father: he experiments on animals so they look similar, speak and behave as human beings… Juliet knows her father’s gruesome work must be put to an end and  that she must leave the dangerous jungle island, but she’s torn between curiosity and horror. Soon she learns the extent of her father’s genius and insanity… in her own blood.

The Madman’s Daughter is insanely good. The minute I started reading, I was captivated, intrigued, engrossed. Ms. Shepherd is a genius! The story got better and better (and more horrifying) as the book went on. There were a lot of shocking (and appalling) moments that had me like 😱😱😱!! I think my favorite part of the book is the mystery… I was constantly curious as to where the story was going!  I didn’t really have any idea where TMD was going to go and I love when that happens because then you’re surprised and it makes the story that much better. Oopsie… Run-on sentence!   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The doctor💉🔪 reminded me of Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, but let’s face it… The doctor in The Madman’s Daughter is worse. Way. Worse. At least Frankenstein only created one creature! The doctor just doesn’t know when the stop…

I didn’t dislike anything about this book! There’s nothing to dislike at all. The only thing that I’d say I didn’t like (well more of a critique really) is that in the beginning, there was a part when there were so many guys in the room and the pronoun “he” was the only word being used to describe who was speaking… and I found myself trying to figure who said what and he did what! But that’s the only part that I was confused with! It’s a minor thing, really!

I love the idea/concept of The Madman’s Daughter… the author executed it perfectly👌! I am seriously having a hard time figuring out which guy I like better/who I want Juliet to be with… Montgomery or Edward. Hmm…🤔 Juliet connects more with Edward, but she and Montgomery have a history and both guys are very likable! 😩

Anyway, I can’t wait to see where Juliet’s story heads in the next installment, Her Dark Curiosity! My twin sister👯 is reading it right now and she’s barely come up for air!😂 That means it’s really good!

As I am now finished✔︎ with The Madman’s Daughter🔬, I’ve decided to read Gone 💨 by Michael Grant. I’ve only read to chapter four, but I can tell this book is going to be a page-turner, as well. 📖

I hope everyone is doing well and reading lots! Be sure to check back here tomorrow to read my FBF book review📖🖊



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