Oh, how I have missed my blog and you guys!

I am so sorry for the long pause in my posting, but know that I haven’t forgotten about y’all. I have just been so stinking busy here at university! Last week, I had a biology exam and then this week I had a biology lab preparatory quiz, a chemistry exam, a paper due for English, and a lab report due! Hm… I think I am missing something😂 I know there was something else😂 Anyway. I have a paper to write this weekend, a biology lab exam to study for (exam is on Monday) and a biology lecture exam to study for (that exam is on Friday) and quizzes for biology lecture (there are quizzes every lecture)! And…

I gotta go grocery shopping!!!

So…Yeah, this weekend is going to be a busy one.

Week Overview

First of all, HAPPY SEPTEMBER! In just a few days, it will officially be fall and I am so ready. I seriously cannot wait to whip out my sweaters and boots. I have already started wearing my autumn-y sweaters. I can’t help myself.

Okay back to the week overview.

This past week was a really hard week. Not only was it the one month anniversary of my beloved Uncle Malcolm’s passing, but my nana, Uncle Malcolm’s mother, passed away this Thursday. So, needless to say, it’s been a tough week. I loved my nana very much. I have only few memories of her since we lived so far away (India), but those memories are just the sweetest. When I heard that she had passed (my dada called me early in the morning to let me know), all that I could think of as I tried to sleep and even as I slept… all I could think of was the memories we shared when she came to visit us in the United States. I remember her making the most perfectly shaped chapatis and no matter how hard I tried to make them as nicely as her, I couldn’t. I remember praying the rosary with her and that is what reminds me of her the most (that, and the fact that we should not waste paper – that it can still be used even if it’s already been written on). I remember playing cards with her and drinking tea and having biscuits with her out on the patio. She was truly a special woman.

On A Happier Note…

My step dad is coming to visit my sister and me on Saturday and I am so excited! He is taking us to dinner and I am so excited to eat something other than the caf food. Don’t get me wrong, the caf food is great and I am not quite sick of it yet, but I just miss a good meal where I can sit down with my family and not have to think about how many free minutes I have left to eat my dinner until I have to get to class or get work done.

Care Packages and Letters Are LIFE

I have gotten a few care packages from various family members and a few things from some close friends… and let me just say, they are the best part of college life so far. They absolutely make the day a bajillion times better! I remember getting my first care package from my mom (it was a ton of food😂) and then my dada… And then getting another one from my mom that had all this fun stuff in it, like purple wigwams! One of my closest friends sent me a postcard and a late birthday present (move-in day was on my birthday, so I was away…) and it was just… so bombsauce! I feel so loved when I get packages! I honestly can’t convey how much those packages meant to me. It isn’t so much as the stuff inside, but who they are from and the significance of them sending me a package. Getting a package conveys, “We love you and we miss you and we are thinking about you.”


So I have been reading The Hourglass Door in my spare time (which is, like, never) and I am so happy I brought it! This book means the world to me. There’s just something about it, you know? It has this special quality to it that I just can’t put my finger on. I am hoping to do a more in depth book review on it (maybe the entire trilogy) soon (hopefully before the semester is over😂).

I know I have asked this before, but what books do you find yourself coming back to every now and then? Or what books are the closest to your heart and why? Let me know if the comment box! I would absolutely love to hear all about your favorite books and the reasons behind why they are your favorite!

Are you a freshman in college? What has been the highlight of your freshman year so far? If you are a sophomore, junior or senior in college, what are some of your favorite memories from freshman year?

If you are in high school, what are you looking forward to the most? (BESIDES SUMMER, Y’ALL!)

Once again, I am so sorry for not posting that often at all! I am so glad I got the chance to quickly write one of these. Back to studying. But first…


Have a lovely weekend, everyone! Stay positive and keep working hard in whatever you are doing… You’ll get to where you want to be in no time.



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