📚Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Haven’t Read, But Want To🙈

Jana @ThatArtsyReaderGirl

Hello, hello everyone!
How are you doing today? Today seems to be off to a lovely start; the sun is shining, the birds are singing their happy songs… 🕊☀️ I couldn’t ask for a more peaceful morning. I hope your day is off to a nice start as wekk, but if not… fear not! Thing can only get better. 🥰 “You don’t need a new day to start over, you only need a new mindset.” – Hazel Hira Ozbek

Today’s post is Top Ten Tuesday, which is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ThatArtsyReaderGirl. Each week, there is a new topic for which we list ten related items. Today’s topic is: Authors I Haven’t Read, But Want To submitted by Deanna @NovelGlimpse. 😁

Elise Kova (A Deal with the Elf King)
John Gwyne (Bloodsworn Saga)
Amelia Hutchins (Legacy of Nine Realms)
Colleen Hoover (It Ends with Us, Ugly Love)
Maggie Stiefvater (The Shiver trilogy, The Raven Cycle)
Diana Gabaldon (Outlander series)
Elly Blake (Frostblood)
Laura Sebastian (Ash Princess)
Hannah Whitten (For the Wolf)
Sarah Rees Brennan (The Lynburn Legacy)

What are you authors that you have not yet read, but would like to? Have you read any of these authors?Let me know in the comments! Be sure to link your TTT as well so I don’t miss it!


17 thoughts on “📚Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Haven’t Read, But Want To🙈

  1. I love your picks! I’ve always wanted to read a Maggie stiefvater book (I guess I’m just kinda intimidated because there are so many of them lol). I really enjoyed for the wolf, hope you do too if you get round to it! Here’s my TTT of the week, it was a quiz on fantasy books, see how many you know! 🙂 https://hundredsandthousandsofbooks.blog/2022/04/12/ttt-12-4-22-can-you-guess-what-urban-fantasy-books-these-words-are-from/

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read the first Outlander book, but never continued on with the series for some reason even though I liked OUTLANDER. Now, I would have to go back and re-read it in order to move on, so…I probably won’t. I’m lazy. Ha ha. I hope you enjoy Gabaldon and all these others when you get to them.

    Happy TTT!


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